Mahindra is working on the all-new Scorpio and the car has been spotted on the Indian roads already. The heavily camouflaged model does not reveal much about the upcoming Mahindra Scorpio but it sure looks longer than the current version of the Scorpio. The all-new Scorpio will be launched in early 2020 and the official unveiling of the car is expected to happen at the 2020 Auto Expo. While the real shape of the car remains under the wrap, there are a few speculative renderings of the car that shows what the upcoming Scorpio may look like. Here is a rendering image by NM tunes shows what the car may look like when it is launched in the market. The all-new Scorpio will get an all-new face but it will maintain the body-on-ladder frame set-up, which ensures that it remains a rugged and capable off-roader. The video shows that the rendering image has been made by tweaking the body of the current Mahindra Scorpio. At the front, it gets a modern face with a new grille, new headlamps and ne...